Don’t let the New Year’s Resolutions get you down!

This time of year, we all know it, it is time for the dreaded New Year’s Resolution. We make big plans, like….absolutely no junk food, no smoking, workout out every day…twice a day, etc…

The sad part is with it being Jan 3rd, there is a good chance that your resolution has already gone bust and you scrap it all for another year. Another year of not hitting your goals, another year of missed opportunities, another year of let downs and blames. It does not have to be that way.

Let’s start with being realistic in your goals. “I am going to lose 50lbs this year!” That is a great goal and is realistic, but how do you get there? Can it be tracked and measured? Setting small, weekly, goals can quickly get you to where you need to be. Just losing on average a pound a week will hit you your 50lbs.

Setting goals to eat better are fantastic and will pay great dividends. Consistency is the key. Don’t blow your self up if you have a cheat meal, enjoy, but keep that cheat meal in your plan. What do you need to do to accommodate eating that Wendy’s Frosty.

I am not a nutritionist or even play one on TV, but my wife and I have lost a combined 125 lbs so we know what works for us and may help you as well.

Hitting the gym and training is AWESOME at Lindamoods Martial Arts. Having a fun and structured class with your friends will keep you motivated and training all year. Kickboxing and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu are fantastic for getting your caloric burn up and dovetails nicely with your new eating plans.