It is so great to be back open at the Academy. You never realize how much you miss something until it is gone from you. Martial arts is definitely one of those things. I have had my Academy open in Roanoke, VA since 2006. We teach all the time, even when I am not at the Academy, I am doing something to better my skills as an instructor and martial artist.
Truly one of the things I missed the most was my students! Smiling faces, talking about their day, enjoying a laugh or two….that’s special for sure. I was once asked, if I could get a million dollars in my account today but I had to wipe out all of my martial arts training, memories, and friends from my life….would I take it? For me, absolutely not. The times I have enjoyed with my martial arts friends is irreplaceable and no value can be placed on those experiences.
So, as we get back up in classes, share a smile and a laugh and let’s get training together.